In Memoriam: Stevia Oregano (aka Gilbert)

Stevia OreganoOur dear friend Gilbert, better known to us at Monday night potlucks as Stevia Oregano for the abundance of fresh offerings from his garden, left us today, most unexpectedly.

His sudden departure is a sobering reminder to be sure we treat the ones we love with tenderness, and not to take a moment for granted.

Thanks, Gilbert, for the bounty of your garden, for your generosity and compassion, and for your good humor. You are already very much missed.

Our Monday night potlucks simply will not be the same without you.

Memorial Day Potluck is ON for tonight!

chicken of the woods 02

A little hint at what we’re making tonight!

We’re on for potluck this evening. We love ending the holiday weekends with you all and look forward to seeing you soon!

Here’s a hint of what we’ve prepared for tonight. Along with a salad of cabbage, kohlrabi, grapes, and a lime-ginger dressing. There may also be a risotto, still deciding on that, and possibly a dessert.

In other words, there’s plenty of food. If you want to come and don’t have time or feel like cooking, please feel free to come anyway and just bring some extra wine!

A presto!